Jessica Orloski

I loved that the program was self-paced but I had the ability to ask questions any time. I like having the ability to revisit modules, especially the mindset ones. My wins include selling more herbal products at the pharmacy and regularly, resulting in thousands of dollars in increased profitability!
Sharliese Boateng

The amount of material presented was ample enough to ensure I am the best holistic practitioner. I absolutely loved the breakdown by systems and how to apply each herb appropriately. Also, getting to see case studies and other students MM’s were really helpful and insightful. Overall, the HHP course provides more than enough of what is needed to succeed!
The Impact of Pesticides on our Diet and the Benefits of Going Full Organic!

From In recent decades, the way we produce and consume food has undergone significant changes. The introduction of pesticides, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and the controversial herbicide glyphosate (the active ingredient on roundup) has raised concerns about their impact on our diet and overall health. The Rise of Pesticides and GMOs Pesticides, chemicals used […]
Jill Bates

This course helped me recognize that my goals were not realistic and learned how to adjust them to my season of life. I gained confidence in alternative therapies and legal aspects of incorporating pharmacy practice in coaching which is more enjoyable for me.